BRÜG­GE­MANN / Steel construction

Con­s­truc­tion of a new pro­duc­tion buil­ding and logi­stics buil­ding for the manu­fac­tu­re, pack­a­ging and ship­ping of pla­s­tic addi­ti­ves. A fire pro­tec­tion requi­re­ment of F90 appli­es to the enti­re buil­ding. In order to ful­fil this requi­re­ment, while at the same time assembling quick­ly with small com­po­nent dimen­si­ons and part­ly varia­ble inte­ri­or space, a com­po­si­te con­s­truc­tion was sel­ec­ted for the imple­men­ta­ti­on pro­cess. The lift tower and sta­ir tower is struc­tu­ral­ly sepa­ra­ted from the buil­ding and was con­s­truc­ted as an in-situ con­cre­te pro­cess. The escape stair­wells are pure steel con­s­truc­tions. The foun­da­ti­on was car­ri­ed out with piles at a depth of approx. 10 m into the rock layer.

Click on the model and move the mou­se in order to be able to rota­te it. Click on the various ele­ments to find out more.



Com­po­si­te construction

All beams, sup­ports and dia­go­nals were desi­gned as com­po­si­te beams with cham­be­red con­cre­te. The cham­be­red con­cre­te was uti­li­sed as load-bea­ring con­cre­te under com­pres­si­ve loads. The inter­ac­tion of steel pro­files and con­cre­te signi­fi­cant­ly increa­ses the load-bea­ring capa­ci­ty of the indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents while still main­tai­ning the same exter­nal dimen­si­ons. In order to ful­fil the fire pro­tec­tion requi­re­ments, an addi­tio­nal fire pro­tec­tion rein­force­ment was inser­ted into the pro­fi­le cham­bers.
In the area of the con­nec­tions, the con­s­truc­tion was desi­gned in such a way that it was always pos­si­ble to con­nect steel to steel. The­se are­as were sub­se­quent­ly grou­ted on site to ensu­re the load-bea­ring effect under com­pres­si­ve load and stress as well as fire protection.





A pile foun­da­ti­on was sel­ec­ted in order to safe­ly divert the lar­ge buil­ding loads into the ground which, at the same time, had poor ground con­di­ti­ons. 68 deep bored piles with a dia­me­ter of 90 cm and/or 120 cm were inser­ted into the ground. The piles were clam­ped into the exis­ting rock face at a depth of approx. 10 met­res. The pile heads were sub­se­quent­ly con­nec­ted with a foun­da­ti­on beam on which the buil­ding sup­ports stand.





The lift tower and sta­ir tower were car­ri­ed out as an in-situ con­cre­te pro­cess. A joint sepa­ra­tes the con­nec­ting tower from the buil­ding. This the­r­e­fo­re ensu­res a struc­tu­ral sepa­ra­ti­on from the buil­ding and pre­vents cons­trai­ning forces due to the dif­fe­rent degrees of stiff­ness invol­ved.
The escape stair­ca­se on the rear side of the buil­ding is a pure steel con­s­truc­tion and also pro­vi­des the con­nec­tion to the exis­ting buil­dings. The stairs the­r­e­fo­re had to be deve­lo­ped in such a way that the flo­or levels in the exis­ting buil­ding which devia­ted from tho­se of the new buil­ding could also be easi­ly rea­ched. They were adapt­ed to the actu­al distance to the exis­ting buil­ding once the assem­bly work on the new pro­duc­tion buil­ding had been completed.