KON­RAD­SBERG / Steel construction

To sim­pli­fy shaft trans­port, the ori­gi­nal relo­ca­ti­on of the shaft housing (lif­ting by means of a cra­ne) had to be repla­ced by a pro­cess on per­ma­nent rails. Pushing the housing on the rails should the­r­e­fo­re be imple­men­ted by means of a fork-lift truck via cable pul­leys and deflec­tion pul­leys. The shaft housing had to be pla­ced on rails and a ver­ge wall had to be decoupled.


Ever­y­thing from one sin­gle source

The enti­re plan­ning and deve­lo­p­ment of this solu­ti­on, with sel­ec­tion and veri­fi­ca­ti­on of all requi­red com­pon­ents, was imple­men­ted by our com­pa­ny. In par­ti­cu­lar, the sel­ec­tion of a sui­ta­ble car­ria­ge and the deflec­tion rol­lers for the cable pul­ley with cor­re­spon­ding ancho­ra­ge points should the­r­e­fo­re be empha­sis­ed. Uti­li­sing our detail­ed assem­bly ins­truc­tions and our on-site con­s­truc­tion site sup­port team ensu­red a spee­dy and pro­blem-free conversion.